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A member registered Nov 12, 2022

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(1 edit)

I finished and became prince.

Never saw or got to slay a dragon or figure out what is causing  the red light in the high room of the castle, is it somting? Do theses challenges exist? What am I missing?  

Can someone explain the red hearts and love devotion shown in a villagers work/dule page?

If you chose one, can you chose a 2nd or 3rd ?.

Also, what is the benefit and purpose of the (BLACK insight scroll, ???), ?

Thanks and I look forward to a reply 

got it, thanks

When you buy a Scroll to attach to your gear, and where items are positioned  in your vault box, where does the scroll and what its attached to have to be placed when you are in battle and when does it go into effect?  Example, does it have to be in your inventory list during the battle or just in one of the 3 sections holding gear with-in the out-line of your body?  

Thank so much!

Can some please explain what is the difference and benefits of having more “Virility”, “Focus” and “HP” and how to use them best in a DUAL? Also, the Gray padlocks that are shown on some challenged villagers pages, is there more to them?

Your extra info on this would greatly be appreciated


I can’t seem or it is impossible, to win the ice pick from Red Oric or to save LIAM with only Snail tea and Rat Stew.  I don’t even think the Rat Stew even does anything?

Also, The Naked Bandit has my underwear and BARTO is not selling me any Pear’s to buy them back.

Is there a rules manual that can be downloaded or can someone give me a Clue so to not be frustrated with this game. 

How do I play playing Strip lucky with the purchased version ?